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Enzyme Medication Technology Services

Efficient chassis strains expression platform:Escherichia coli, Pichia pastoris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactic acid bacteria, etc.
Experienced R&D Team:Our specialized team, including international experts in structural biology and enzyme modification, provides a strong foundation for developing key enzyme properties such as activity and stability.


Functional Protein Modification Solution

Applications: Functional proteins, regulating signaling pathways and promoting metabolic reactions, play a vital role in repairing tissues, coordinating bodily functions, and maintaining normal immune function. They hold immense value in medical nutrition, beauty, and healthcare.
Service Solution: Liying Biotech offers end-to-end industrialization solutions, spanning front-end research, small-scale quality method development, pilot processes, to mass production.


In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Raw Material Solutions

Technical Edge: Our core protein structure modification technology enhances antigens and antibodies, while boosting the performance and stability of raw materials, ensuring reliable support for subsequent reagent development
Product Advantages:We offer services for affinity enhancement, stability modification, and bulk production of antigens and antibodies

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